I got a very interesting review on The Thin Line. The reader was a bit upset with my writing. Especially that I had named Fitzwilliam Peter and not Richard which she (or he) said is his name. I have now read through the chapters where he is figuring and I cannot for the life of me find any reference to the name Richard. So I googled. Nope. He doens't seem to have a given name, but, is frequently named Richard in fanfiction. So there. I can name him Peter if I want. Ha! The reason I have named him Peter is because of the character he is in Much Ado, i.e Prince Pedro.
The reader had a lot of other points on where she (or he) didn't get my fiction. But that's okay. Most of it I can claim artisitc freedom of. I mean just because Georgiana was 15 or more years younger than Darcy in the original, she doesn't have to be that young in my fanfic, right?
If you want to read the review in whole, please visit The Thin Line and click on reviews. I did write the reader a nice reply, since the reader prefered to be anonymous I had to write a review myself. :P
Compelling Lamppost
1 year ago