21 Dec 2010

Ch. 36 of TTLBLAH is up

It's a bit short, I know, but I wanted it up before going on Christmas Holiday! Hope it's to your liking, though

Sneak Peak:
Chapter 36: Cheesy Comments and a Nasty Witch
He showed Elizabeth all his favourite spots in the garden, or park as she preferred to call it. He guessed she was right. It was too large to be called a garden. In fact, they had two gardeners that took care of it all.

"I wonder how Jane's doing," Elizabeth said as they sat down on the little dock on the beach, which was his favourite place of them all. He had been coming here since the dock had been built. To just get away for a moment or two and breathe in the salty air of the ocean.
"I'm sure she's just fine," William assured her. Even if Mr Bingley had been blind when it came to Caroline, he was sure both he and his wife would be hospitable enough to welcoming Jane into their home. He was sure Charles had told them just how wrong Caroline had been about Jane.

"I just hope Caroline hasn't been feeding them lies about my sister."

"Don't worry. Charlie has been there the whole time. In this case I really do hope that they listen to him, and not to her. I'm sure they think highly enough of their son not to think he'd stay with someone who had been cheating on him."

9 Dec 2010

Chapter 35 of TTLBLAH is up

Yeah, so it took me a while, again. Sorry. Have started a new story, again, and you know how it is with new stories. They kind of demands your attention and you feel you have to write just to get to know what will happen. Even if you are the one writing it, the story has its own life. At least mine does. They never turn out exactly the way I have planned, really.

Sneak peak:
Chapter 35: A Home away from Home?
William felt proud as Elizabeth admired his childhood, well part of it anyway, home. His mother had decorated it with an eclectic mix of old and new. They would only be staying there for a couple of nights, then retrench to his apartment down town. There were only so much of his parents he could take. A couple of nights under their roof were sufficient enough to make him feel like five again. Altough it was nice to be pampered from time to time, it could be too much.